注意:手持ち M5Stack Fire(MPU9250)でしか試していない
magCount[0] | Y軸 |
magCount[1] | X軸 |
magCount[2] | Z軸 |
三角形を描画するにあたり、Z軸を無視して描くだけで、もれなくそれっぽくなるという w
// define must ahead #include <M5Stack.h> // #define M5STACK_MPU6886 #define M5STACK_MPU9250 // #define M5STACK_MPU6050 // #define M5STACK_200Q #include <LovyanGFX.hpp> #define _M5DISPLAY_H_ class M5Display {}; #include <M5Stack.h> static LGFX lcd; static LGFX_Sprite sprite(&lcd); #include "utility/MPU9250.h" MPU9250 IMU; // the setup routine runs once when M5Stack starts up void setup(){ // Initialize the M5Stack object M5.begin(); M5.Power.begin(); M5.IMU.Init(); IMU.initMPU9250(); delay(100); IMU.initAK8963(IMU.magCalibration); IMU.magbias[0] = -120; IMU.magbias[1] = -1475; IMU.magbias[2] = -120; lcd.init(); lcd.setColorDepth(16); sprite.setColorDepth(8); sprite.createSprite(320, 240); lcd.fillScreen(TFT_BLACK); sprite.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever void loop() { if (IMU.readByte(AK8963_ADDRESS, AK8963_ST1) & 0x01) { IMU.readMagData(IMU.magCount); IMU.getMres(); float mg_0 = (float)IMU.magCount[0] * IMU.mRes * IMU.magCalibration[0] - IMU.magbias[0]; float mg_1 = (float)IMU.magCount[1] * IMU.mRes * IMU.magCalibration[1] - IMU.magbias[1]; float mg_2 = (float)IMU.magCount[2] * IMU.mRes * IMU.magCalibration[2] - IMU.magbias[2]; float at = atan(mg_0 / mg_1); float x = cos(PI / 2 - at) * 20; float y = sin(PI / 2 - at) * 20; sprite.clear(); sprite.fillTriangle(160 - x, 120 - y, 160 + x, 120 + y, 160 + mg_1 / 3, 120 - mg_0 / 3, TFT_RED); sprite.setTextSize(1); sprite.setCursor(0, 0); sprite.printf("Bias:%f %f %f", IMU.magbias[0], IMU.magbias[1], IMU.magbias[2]); sprite.setCursor(0, 10); sprite.printf("Calb:%f %f %f", IMU.magCalibration[0], IMU.magCalibration[1], IMU.magCalibration[2]); sprite.setCursor(0, 20); sprite.printf("mres:%f", IMU.mRes); sprite.setCursor(0, 40); sprite.printf("coun:%6d %6d %6d", (int16_t)IMU.magCount[0], (int16_t)IMU.magCount[1], (int16_t)IMU.magCount[2]); sprite.setTextSize(2); sprite.setCursor(0, 190); sprite.printf(" %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f", mg_0, mg_1, mg_2); sprite.pushSprite(0, 0); } delay(100); }